Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vegan Day 16: Kids adapting

I really feel the need to address everyone and say that my kids are NOT vegan.

If you don't know me, food has been very important in my life. However, growing up I was a VERY picky eater. I know my mom is about to come on here and back me up on this. At lot of foods that I did not like, it was a texture issue, not a taste issue, and I had this issues even when I was in college. Somehow after I graduated, I realized that I finally had grown out of these issues, but I still do remember what is was like when I didn't like a lot of foods. Because of this, how I would feed my kids is the one of the only things that I decided how we were going to deal with before we had them and we still deal with it the same way. For eating, I use "Child of Mine" (There is a book, "child of mine" we follow what is says in regards to eating. I have it if you would like to borrow it). What it says is, your kids eat what the parents eat, make sure there is one thing you know they like, and if they don't eat, they don't eat. We were really lucky with James. Andy is less Open Minded, but still, he eats. But these are the rules we follow. Eating in our house is a Non Issue.

When I say I am a vegan, what that means for the rest of the family, is that dinners are vegan. The kids, gulp, still have some sugary cerals, but Saturday morning breakfasts are vegan waffles or vegan pancakes. Lunches (gulp) are PBJ for James, and dinosaur soup (Chef BoyRDee) for Andy. Snacks are fruit snacks, pretzels, and pink smoothies. Dinners are whatever I make. James LOVE vegtables. Eats the up. He is going through a grown spurt right now and I know he isn't getting enough calories with just veggies. He won't eat beans. Andy eats beans and no veggies. He misses the meat. A lot of times I will give them an apple sauce or yogurt with their meal. They sometimes drink chocolate soy milk, and had regular soy milk last night. They liked it, but still drink regalar cow milk every day.

I have gone into a lot about this, mostly to say that I have tried with Andy. Andy loves to cook, he helps me make dinner. Won't eat it. I put dinner on fun fish plates. Won't eat it. I set the table with chopsticks. Nothing. I made banana soft serve which looks just like ice cream, and Andy takes one bite. He falls for it for that one bite, and he knows.

Banana soft serve is like banana ice cream. I loathe bananas so I wouldn't touch it, the rest of my boys were all over it.

Featuring banana soft serve.

All it is, is frozen bananas blended in a food processor for about 5 minutes. I recommend peeling the bananas before you freeze them, but don't they turn brown? Again, I loathe bananas, I don't know. I ended up adding a bit of vanilla almond milk.

Andy was so excited about his first bite:

Then he just played with it the rest of the time:

James was all into it:

He is my Good Eater:

Mark liked it too, but said it reminded him more of pudding. He liked pineapple whip better:


Pam said...

We follow the Child of Mine philosophy, too, and love it! Yay for no battles over food. :)

Anonymous said...

i think i'd like to borrow that book sometime...

mattie's hit or miss with her eating...sometimes she picks at stuff she'll usually eat, and other times she eats like a horse and surprises us with what she'll stick in her mouth! and i know what you mean about the textures...i still struggle with that, even now.

Michelle said...

I like that book too. My kids are pretty different eaters, but I think we have a pretty good grasp on eating and not making meal times a battle. Well, there is a battle around not throwing food and not running around with frozen blueberries in their hands, but no struggles as to what they will and won't eat.

My daughter can't stand banana soft serve, but my son eats every little drop. Have you seen those ice cream sandwiches from peas and thankyou with the soft serve? Those are on my list to make.