Monday, February 7, 2011

Vegan Day 10: How it went and how I am feeling

Prepare to be underwhelmed.

At many big events in my life, I was expecting something big, only to be disappointed. Before running my first marathon, I was told "when you cross that finish line, you will feel such a feeling of acomplishment!" When I finished, I felt tired. And I needed to go to the bathroom. Before having my first child, I was told I would be immediately overwhelmed by this unconditional love. Instead I felt tired. And hungry. And an overwhelming sense of Responsibility. I was told after eating vegan, I would feel so much better, I wouldn't want to go back. I feel tired and pretty much the same. To be fair, I don't always sleep very well...not due to the vegan thing. What I do feel, well, I do feel pretty cool. In the past 10 days I have not consumed one thing from an animal (not on purpose). I have eaten a lot of vegtables, and I feel really good about what I have put in my mouth. Going through this process really wasn't as hard as you might think. Granted, I had made several small changes and had thought about what else needed to be done, but there still were a few surprises. The first few days I was surprised how hungry I was all the time. After that, I was extremely not hungry, and have normalized at this point. I think I may have lost a few pounds initially, but it also seemed to level off.

I am going to keep it up, but with some modifications. I will try to update with my plan tomorrow. But now I am tired and going to bed!


Juliet said...

Congratulations! Nice job! Thanks for showing me the way...

HenryParsons said...

If you need a shot of what unhealthy food tastes like, I did save you some scotcheroos and a kringle.


Michelle @ Housewife in the Raw said...

I'd love to see you try a high raw diet when it warms up. That made the biggest difference in my energy, which is why I stick with it. As for vegan foods, they don't generally make me super human. Only a few nights of good sleep do that. Or, maybe they just make me feel human which is a change from my normal 5 years of motherhood induced sleep/sanity deprived self.

I will say that my cravings have honestly changed and eating meals I used to devour (like a big plate of cheese enchildas) leave me feeling bloated and blah.

Andee said...

Your posts make me laugh. Especially because I am so tired all the time. Of course, I blame that on my thyroid. And 3 children. And working a full-time job.

I'm glad you did this, because it educated me. I won't personally be trying it for all the reasons I listed above - and I believe that our brains need animal protein. But I have definitely done more research since you started this, so thanks! You are the best!

I have made an effort to add more vegies since you started though.... :-)