Friday, February 11, 2011

Vegan Day 14: "A Vegan Thing I Like!"

The title of this post was actually said by Mark when I served the following for dinner:


Ignore the pizza part, Mark didn't touch it (but it is featured on my cooking blog). Look at that little cup of yellow stuff. That, my friends, is pineapple whip. I probably should have saved it for a dessert, but I served it as a side. I got the inspiration from this recipe, but here is how I made mine:
- 4 cups frozen pineapple
- about 1 1/2 cups sweetened almond milk
- about 1 tsp honey
Put all ingredients in blender and blend. This will take some doing. There will be breaks with mixing and Andy shouting from the other room "it is wh-oud! Are you don yet mommy?" Next time I will probably use my food processor. Blend until ice cream like consistancy. I topped mine with top unsweetened cocount. Really. Tasted like light pineappley ice cream. De. Lis. Cisous.

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