Thursday, December 11, 2008

He got out!!


Juliet said...

Ok, I know this isn't the point, but I LOVE (and LOL) that the "Tiger Rag" is playing in the background!!!!

I guess getting out of his crib is James's Christmas present to you, Mommy!

wirrek said...

Yes, this was actually the second time he got out yesterday. The first time he just came downstairs saying "awake mommy!" This time he was a little smarter, just stayed in his room and turn on his light and his tunes.

Kirsten said...

I can't see the video right now but will check when I get home BUT I had to comment on your previous paci post...I love it!!! We've been talking about how to get our girls to give up the paci and I totally want to do the cookies, especially since all of their pacis are green, it would be perfect. We just have to wait until they can understand, which I am sure is fine with them :)
Have a great week!