Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Green Paci Cookies

Sometimes you come up with something that makes you thing that maybe, just maybe, I might be a good mommy.

James loves his paci. It was a good thing for us because James was ehem, a difficult baby, and had a very hard time teething. The paci really helped with us. Our pediatrican is very pro-paci, so everytime we talked about getting rid of it, he would talk us back into it.

By waiting so long, you have a few options in getting rid of the paci. Sure, you can just get rid of it, but it is a little easier if there is something you can tell your child. I just didn't think any of the traditional method would work for James. I just didn't think he would understand the paci fairy, and he can't give his paci to a baby, because we have a baby, and he doesn't take a paci. (ugh, that is another post) The one thing about James...he can eat! and he loves sweets! So, I came up with the idea to use the paci to make cookies.

James actually had 3 pacis: red paci, blue paci, and green paci. I started the beginning of November by making blue paci cookies. After James dropped his paci in, I switch the paci with blue M&Ms. A week later, we made red paci cookies. The next week, well, Mark went out of town and I wasn't willing to chance meltdowns, so we waited until this week to make the green paci cookies.

Here are the ingredients:

One last suck:

Toss it in, James!

There it is!

Distraction, while I make the switch.

Ahh, James wanted to take a picture of mommy.

Dropping them on the cookie sheets.

Are they ready yet?


I give James one before nap and bed times. He does ask for his paci, and I say, "its in your tummy." Then he just goes to sleep.

Here is Andy. He doesn't take a paci, but bad mommy, I use a blanket! (and bumpers)


Lauren P said...

What a great idea! I'm so thankful that Sofia just gave it up. We took it away from her, she was a little less pleasant for a few days, and we never looked back.

Anonymous said...

That is a FABULOUS idea! I'll definitely have to store that one away for future use :)

(And you're not a bad mommy for using a blanket and bumpers--we always have....and I put her down on her tummy....shhh, don't tell anyone!)

Allison said...

What a cute idea! I love it!

And - I'm like Jenny - SB has always slept on her tummy and with a blanket.

Mel said...

Wow, that is genius. I am very impressed!!!

lbmartinez said...

Brilliant idea, but Annalise sucks her thumb...not sure that I could pull that one off!

Andee said...

You are a good mommy, and don't let anyone (including yourself) tell you different! This is such a good idea though - i never would have thought of it. See, you are so much smarter than me.

Juliet said...

Make sure that you bookmark this post so that you can go back to these comments any time you need to be reassured.

You are a GREAT mom! With thousands of wonderful ideas!

(We used blankets and bumpers with John lots of times, and we propped him up with blankets to keep him on his side...)

TGlinsky said...

Too funny, I don't have any paci takers, but Mia is attached to ONE sippy cup...ugh. You bad mommy you blankets and bumpers:)...funny how we don't worry as much about the 2nd ones...Bode has bumper and blankets too.

KAJ said...

Wait..what's wrong with blankets and bumpers? I bet you got that from all the "reading" you do. Ignorance is bliss...

PS You should write a book with all your genius mommy things!

Hollie said...

We told Ella Grace that Swiper (of Dora fame) took her pacifier. She got teary eyed the first night and decided that daddy needed to get Swiper and then never looked back!

Robin said...

Great idea ... Lidia still has her paci ...maybe I can try this idea with her over the holidays. I'm up for anything to get that thing out of our lives ... I swear I spend hours out of my day looking for that thing!

Andrea S. said...

this is GENIUS!

Might have to try this with my 3.5yo

Susanne said...

OK. WOW. That is the best idea I've ever seen! I'm going to tell everyone I know about that one!