Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I've been nagged!

I mean TAGGED. Whatever.

1. If you could inherit a comfortable home in any city in the world that you could use but not sell, where would you want it to be?
How about a house with a pool in Pensacola or Perdido Key? That would be nice.

2. If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, which would it be? Why?
Italian? Because then I would have a good excuse to go to Italy some day.

3. If you were given an hour to spend an unlimited amount of money in any store in the world where would it be?
Probably Crate and Barrel. Mark and I love their style, but just can't/won't pay their prices.

4. If you had to give your children to the care of someone famous, whom would you pick?
Maybe Ann Curry...she seems nice.

5. If you could cast an actor now alive to play you in a new film, what kind of film would it be and whom would you choose?
It would probably be some quirky indie film, and I don't know who would play me, maybe Hillary Duff?

6. If you could have an elegant dinner alone with anyone presently alive, whether you know them or not, who would you want it to be?
Elegant meaning romantic, or elegant meaning, just dinner? Probably Mark regardless, and can we get the wine pairings?

7. If you could resolve any single dispute, anywhere in the world what would you solve?

If I could do anything, I wish I could solve the racial divide in this county. The only way I can think to do that is to have all the races think and act just like me, which is probably the whole problem. ;)

8. If you were instantly able to play one musical instrument perfectly that you have never played before, what would it be?
Can it be retroactive? I wish I played percussion, or trombone. I think my whole life would have been different if I played a different instrument. If not, I wish I could sing.

1 comment:

KAJ said...

It would be freakin' hilarious if DAD answered these questions.