Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's time for another...Top Five

Top Five Things I Wish I Knew When James Was A Baby

1. I wish I had known about babywearing. I was borrowing a friend's bijorn and James would just scream and scream in it. I think he would have loved being in a wrap, and that would have given mommy a break. Another good point is that most of the stuff you get in stores is only so-so. You have to go online to find the really good kid stuff.

2. I wish I had broken out the bouncy ball earlier. With James, I think we did it at 4 weeks (and with Andy it was 3...really, a love/hate relationship with that bouncy ball). A bouncy ball is just one of those excercise balls you get at WalMart for $11. You simply cradle your baby and sit on it bouncing. It soothes almost immediately and also works great for putting babies to sleep.

3. I wish I would have asked about anti-depressants sooner. There is some difference between baby blues, post partum depression, and aniexty, but either way, to deal with a baby, it helps to be in good mental health. Although, I did loose all my baby weight very quickly, it isn't always a good thing.

4. I wish I had read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. I mean, I read a lot of books, some of them talked about sleep, but none were as helpful as this one. One of the main points I got from this book is the "interval of wakefulness". Currently, I try to sooth Andy back to sleep after an hour of being awake. It doesn't always work, but that is due to the stage he is in.

5. For this one I think I am suppose to say something cheesy about how much I LOVE my kids and how it is all worth it, etc, etc, but I am just too tired for all that. ;)


KAJ said...

This is good Kerri! BUT, I did tag you or whatever and so you have to answer the silly questions! Just do it.

Andee said...

I love Healthy Sleep Habits. It helped us a lot. :-)

Sleep, oh sleep, where are you? I want to make you a t-shirt with that logo. :-)

If anyone hasn't told you lately - you are doing great and I am really proud of you. It is hard being the parent of 2, especially when your oldest is still a toddler.

Sweet T said...

It's hard isn't it, but you're doing a great job. I heard someone say that they try to parent with love (I think it was from Jon and Kate plus 8), and I think of that often. No matter what stage our kids are in - Ty told me the other day he was going to poop on my face - if we parent with love, things will be ok.