Sunday, July 6, 2008



I finally got a picture of both of my boys. It is hard to get one with Andy. Let's face it, he just lays there.

He lays on his tummy...

...and on his back.

Then there is Crazy James. Look at this guy:

He finds these "hats" when I am feeding Andy. He always finds "two".


Anonymous said...

They are so precious! Looks like James is doing alright with Andy?

Robin said...

James looks like he's trying out for Dodgeball with the band around his head! Very cute!

Beth said...

James looks like a proud big brother! Elaina and I need to make it over there sometime to see you guys! (we keep meaning to but you know how things go!) Let us know when might be a good time :-)

Juliet said...

LOL! What a pair you have! I mean James and Andy... Can I say that on this blog?

Andee said...

I love all of these pictures. :-)

Craig said...

Wow - they are super cute!

KAJ said...

i tagged you have to tell us about yourself!!

Susanne said...

Its John's wife Susanne... Your boys are such cute little blondies! I love your top 5 wish you'd knowns... especially the last one!