Friday, March 5, 2010

Racing Day!

Like most boys in James's age group, James loves the movie cars. Whenever we watch it, James loves to act out the opening race. This racing has spread to other activities and before you knew it, James races with everything and loves to win. When I signed up for the Reedy River Run tomorrow, I noticed they had a kid's fun run. I asked James if he wanted to be in a running race. "Yes!" he said "I am going to win!"

So, we had to work on the idea that he may not win...there may be bigger kids there who are faster, and as long as he did his best and had fun, that was all that matter.

"Yeah, but I am really fast!"

At any rate, the race was today at 5:45. I got James dressed in cute little soccer shorts and a tshirt, then layered with sweat pants and a sweat shirt (good thing!). Once his new running shoes were on, he was good to go.

"I am very excited!"

We timed our arrival just right. We parked, got our packet, and was putting James's number on when they were calling the participants to the starting line. "I am a little nervous..."


And of course it was a hurry-up-and-wait situation. I got James warmed up and stretched out.


The dads were on stroller duty. Andy was trying to make a break for it. Sorry, buddy, you have to be three!


We made our way to the starting line and got lined up. James had said all day, "I am going to run ALL BY MYSELF and you can watch me mommy. Yes, I do it ALL BY MYSELF." Can you see James on the front row center of the starting line?


As the person in charge counted down, James started looking really nervous. He allowed me to run with him. This picture was taked about 30 seconds before we started.


This picture was taken about 30 seconds after we started:


That is exactly how James looked the entire race. He had a GREAT time. He ran the whole way except for where he tripped right before the finish line. His (our) time was 2:20 for 400 meters. Once he finished he got a medal.


He was in awe of his medal! Here is James with John who also finished:


We went for a celebratory dinner at Sticky Fingers. A good time was had by all!


We can't wait for the next race. James "Mommy, maybe sometime I can go run with Ms. Jenny and you can stay home." I think someone has a crush on Ms. Jenny!


Mel said...

Soooooo cute!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

aw, shucks :-)
hate that we missed the race, but glad to see the pictures!

Andee said...

That's awesome! And yes, totally has a crush on Jenny. :-)