Friday, February 5, 2010

In Shape With Sharon Mann...and James

As a semi-stay at home mom, it is really hard to find the time to workout consistantly. One way I have found to increase the chance of my workout actually occuring, is to DVD shows from FitTV. My favourite (it is canadian) is In Shape With Sharon Mann. It is just a half hour show and generally, you don't need any equipment. It usually ends up being a pretty good workout. With James not really napping, he will sometimes come down for the last half of my workout and join right in. Here he is during the cardio portion:

And doing the cool down:

You can also get a fairly good workout with The Wiggles "Yummy Yummy" I am just saying...


Anonymous said...

that's awesome--james was doing a really great job!

and oh, it's really can get in a decent workout if you're dancing around to the wiggles!'ll be very happy to know that the easter bunny 1/2 is sold out, with a waiting list. (i know you're SOOOO disappointed!)

Juliet said...

I'm so happy you have a workout buddy!
You both sound so happy!