Sunday, May 18, 2008


*more was both spoken and signed, of course

This morning, there apparently was a "poopy crib" incident. Because of that, we were moving slowly and didn't make it to church. We decided to go to the zoo instead. The Greenville Zoo is pretty small, but it has everything we need right now, elephants, lions, monkeys...and turtles. I took James in November and he was just a little too young for it, I really expected him to be more into it now. He was, but he really only wanted to see the turtles.

Here is James after we first get there, looking at the turtles.


See, turtles.


Behind James are the elephants. James couldn't care less.


Oh, there is a monkey!


Here is a tortise. It was close enough for James to a turtle.


James reading a map at lunch, looking for more turtles.


James going into the reptile house for the third time!! He is ALL boy.


James and me with his previous favorite animal...the bear.



Andee said...

Funny - Annabeth is facinated by the alligators. That's all she wants to see at the zoo. And I convinced that she is goingto fall in to the pit and be eaten by the alligators. Turtles are much safer - keep pushing those. :-)

Juliet said...

YEA Turtles!

I love the Greenville Zoo! We've got lots of time for bigger Zoos, and Atlanta is only 2.5 hours away...

Did you see any "O's" while you were there?