Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 0 - The Condo

It took us just under 9 hours to drive to Orlando.  We stopped like 4 times.  This is not a good time for us...we can do better!  We decided to stay in a condo.  Sure I considered a hotel, but then thought about it, and decided, why on earth would I want to do that?  Four people paying over $100/night to cram into a hotel room and little bathroom and have to eat all my food out.  No thanks!  A little search on VRBO, a little recommendation from a friend, and a little money (only $84/night) and we had a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 awesome pool condo.  Yes please!  I have to say, this condo was perfect.  Andy kept saying, "you picked a good place" and often asked to go home from Disney to play on the the bunk beds some more.  It was literally 5 minutes from the road into Disney and it took us about 20 minutes to get in the car, drive, park (in AAA diamond parking), and walk to the gates.

Here is the link to where we stayed:

We ate most of our breakfast here and two dinners.  Plus we were able to pack snacks and lunches.  And not just any lunches, but picnics, as in go picnics.  Go picnic is a company that provides box lunches.  (  This made packing lunches easy.  I bought a bunch when they were on sale for half off.  Then in the morning, I would just throw 3 of them in a ice chest with some drinks and some gogurts.  (lets face it, Andy does not eat lunch)

Another big decision we made was that we went "no stroller".  The kids walked most of it, but sometimes they were carried.  Let's face it, Andy may not be big enough for Space Mountain, but he is small enough to be carried by Mommy!  I think this was a good decision for us, but you have to be patient.  We did not go anywhere fast!

The one bad decision was the guide book, The Complete Walt Disney World.  Yes, I can understand that you have to go to press before many changes are made, but gee wiz, just not very helpful.

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