Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mixed Feelings


I have really been MIA from the blogging world these past couple of weeks. Why? The reasons are three-fold.

1. It was the end of my semesters at the two colleges I teach at and I had lots of grading, calculating, submitting, and organizing to do. Now it is over. I am not teaching summer schoool. I am very excited to be spending all this extra time with my children. sigh.

2. I got really sick. With what I am not so sure, but it started two weeks ago and although I am definately better and am on antibiotics, I am still not 100%. It has really knocked me down. On the good side with all this is that I lost about 5 pounds, so there you go.

3. We decided to put the house on the market. Just to see what happens. So in between the times that I was not grading/calculating/coughing/blowing my nose I was cleaning/decluttering/making phone calls.

There just has not been enough time for blogging, but hopefully now that school is over, I am a bit better, and the house is on the market I will update more.


Juliet said...

Good job making it through survival mode. We're almost there too, I think.

Hollie said...

Good luck with the house - Hope you're feeling better - And I know you can't wait for classes to be over and done with.