Friday, September 11, 2009

Pirate and Princess Party!


For James's third birthday, we ended up having a joint party. The other girl's birthday was the day before James's so it just made sense. To celebrate, we had a pirate and princess party. I got the idea for the pirate party from this post on my sister's blog. We had eye patches and pirate hats for little pirates, and crowns and wands for little princesses.


Most kids did both.

We had a treasure hunt with clues, and James was the one to find the treasure. (ARGH! THE TREASURE!)


In lieu of gifts, we had everyone bring a gift to exchange. This was very successful.


The cake was a cupcake cake and James's expression when everyone was singing to him was priceless!


Just a picture of Andy. He loved the cupcake, which is funny because 3 months ago he couldn't have cared less!



Lauren P said...

Love the gift exchange idea!

Juliet said...

Congratulations on three years of parenting!
And kudos for a great party. The kids had a blast, and there was such a good percentage of Dads there!!

Anonymous said...

fah-bu-lus party, and we are SO stealing the gift exchange idea! (and the picture of mattie, too :o)