Friday, March 2, 2012

We had a good run

The boys are all boy, fighting, running, jumping, wrestling, and usually end up getting hurt. Because of this, I am very surprised, other than a little incident that was treated at the pediatrician's office, we have never had to make a trip to the ER. That streak is over.

Thursday I went to pick the boys at school, and James was sitting on a bench away from the action. To be honest, my first thought was that he was in trouble. But no, he fell going down "the pole". He scraped up the back of his right arm pretty good, but seemed ok. He could move his arm, everything felt ok, but he just wouldn't calm down.

I tried to get him to forget. "Hey James, we are meeting John at the park" "No, I want to go home" "What about your race tomorrow?" "Mommy, I may not come in first place." That is when I knew it was serious. We dropped Andy off at the park and picked up snacks (thanks SOOO much Ms. Juliet) and headed to Urgent Care.

And we waited.


And waited.


For the first 2 hours, James had little to no motility in his arm. After that, he was able to move it, but not do some things. He cheered up considerable when finding out he was getting an xray. A picture of your cool is that?


James charmed all the nurses (um, who used to be one of my students), the xray tech (also a James), and even the doctor (who, unlike all the rest, realized that even though James was happy something was wrong). After 3 hours we finally got our diagnosis:

"greenstick fracture of the proximal radius" I am trying to get James to say that, but it is tough for a 5 year old. We got a temporary splint:


And were finally allowed to go home. After stopping at McDonalds on the way. The next day we went to the Orthopedic doctor, which, after waiting, (and we heard a cast being sawed off and then they came and told James, let's get that cast off. James was totally like - NO WAY!) But then we got his new, elbow covering RED cast:


Another set of xrays to make sure it was set right:


Then it was off the McDonalds again. Then to Target to buy some new "hey, I broke my arm toys" Then to pick up Andy at school (poor Andy) then finally home to play with new toys:


We might have also gone out to Blueberry Frog that night (which holy cow is so much better than 3 spoons!)

All in all, James is fine. He has little to no pain, and his cast really bothers him more than anything. He will have it on for 3 weeks and hopefully get to take it off and be as good as new.

1 comment:

Andee said...

poor James! That's no fun at all! It is a cool red cast though!