Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Spotted Jaguar Hippos


Isn't that a cute picture? Doesn't James look just like a soccer player? Awwwwww!

So, incase you haven't figured it out, we signed James up for soccer this season. Actually, James told me repeatedly this summer that he was going to play, so I made it happen. How it works here is you meet Tuesdays and Thursday evenings, sometimes you have practices and sometimes you have games. We had practices the past two weeks, and the first game was tonight. James was super excited! He had a jersey (he is number 2...THE DUECE!), soccer shorts, shin guards, soccer socks, he was ready to go.

Here is us warming up before the big game:


The big spotted jaguar hippo team cheer "roar!":


The start of the game. Um, James didn't start. :(


James coming in!


The mass of players chasing the ball:


Soooooo, right after this picture was taken, James realized that it wasn't going to be as easy to score as he thought it would be. Not only that, he also realized that the other team was also going to try to score (and might). That can only mean one thing. Meltdown. James did well, very enthusiastic, went for the ball, but I don't know, maybe he is just a little competitive. Here is the result:


For all intents and purposes, the game was over for James. Here is a picture of the post game handshake:


Don't get me wrong, there was another meltdown at this point when James realized he wasn't going to get to play anymore. (?)

Oh well, hopefully the next game will go better.

1 comment:

lbmartinez said...

Gabriel did the same thing at football. One missed tackle and it was tears and pouting the rest of the half. Now I feel like we have to keep him in sports until he learns to be a graceful loser. Hope the next game is better for both of them!