Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's only been two years?


Andy's birthday was this past week! He is now two. I think most people say "wow, it seems like just yesterday that he was one." Not me. It has been a long year! At any rate, we keep things small this year. It is really hard to determine what Andy likes as opposed to what James likes. (It is NOT hard, however, to determine what Andy does NOT like) We met a few people for dinner at the chickfila then went back to our house for some cupcakes. Andy was really into the presents this year!


So were the rest of the kids:



Isn't this little cart the cutest?



James also got a present from Gramma and Papa.


In some ways it was hard to figure out who was more excited about Andy's birthday: Andy or James. Wait, no, it wasn't really. James was way more excited!

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