Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gymnastics - James

James's preschool class starts about 15 minutes after Andy's class ends. During this time we go potty and try to keep everyone from melting. James's class is more structured than Andy's. When it is time to start the kids WALK from the waiting area to a yellow dot for stretching. Here is James doing a butterfly:

Now, at this time, most of the other parents just sit there and watch class. Not me, I have Andy and I am fairly certain he would destroy the whole gym if we had to do that. I usually take him on a walk on the Health and Heritage walking trail:

Here is a nice old house:

And here is the cemetary where Thomas Green Clemson is buried:

When we get back from our walk, we usually still have 30 minutes of class left.*sigh

I am always impressed with the level of disapline in James's class. They line up and walk from station to station, and wait patiently for their turn.



James gets in trouble a lot.

I am always impressed by how they teach these three year olds to do things. They are telling them to put their hands the right way and their feet in the right place. I am just trying to give James something to do, but they are really teaching gymnastics!


Here is James with Ms. Kipp. James LOVES Ms. Kipp, even more than Ms. Jenny I think!


At the end class, they form a circle and sing a song. It is a little wierd:

Then they put their hands on their heads to get their stamps.


Juliet said...

Tony says they always look like they are being arrested at a sit-in at the end when they put both hands on their heads...

Tony said...

I also refer to the song as the "love circle."