Monday, June 8, 2009

4 under 4 - 2009

Last year, my sister and I had 3 kids between us, now we have 5, isn't that crazy? James and I went out to see the newest addition, AC (aka Baby Audrey), this past weekend.

James got to drive the plane out there.
James is flying the plane

Here is James calling Aunt Turah, wondering where she was.
Aunt turah, where are you

Charlie has one sweet ride!

Glacier is still annoying...I mean, she is great.

What are these boys doing?
What are they doing?

Dinner time!
Eating dinner

The only decent bath picture:

AM in the pool

AC is chillin

James loves swimming!

All the kids in the car...and I swear my sister said, "see, I can fit another one in here!"

Ice Cream!

Did you know if you forgo your kids meal toy at chick fil a you get ice cream? I sure didn't.

James loved the sing a long

Making pancakes

Riding bikes

Group shot!

"This is awesome" James loved the moving sidewalks


Beth said...

Looks like a fun trip! Yes ma'am, we learned a long time ago about the ice's great! That way you don't have the same toys piling up!

Beth said...

OH, and Alli isn't on blog probation (or shouldn't be) :-) She made the blog private with all the court/lawyer stuff with Mac right now...just ask her and she'll invite you.

Juliet said...

Looks like you had a great trip!
Thanks for the Chik-fil-a tip! We have almost all the "Visit my school" books now... (most of them are in hotel room trash cans across Colorado by now...)

Allison said...

I invited you to the blog, Kerri... you never accepted!

Looks like fun!

wirrek said...

No,no...I do have access Allison's blog, but I think because it was private it didn't update on the blog roll. I actually recently discovered the mistake, just didn't get around to fixing it. sorry!

Andee said...

Oh congrats to your sister again, and it looks like you had a really fun time! Summer is the time for ice cream - and why can't McD's do this ice cream thing? I like Chick-fil-A's books way more than whatever McD's is giving out.

Joyce said...

So who is going to fill the empty space in Keturah's car?