Sunday, February 1, 2009

Check it out!

Did you know that you could pay someone to design your blog? For my birthday my mom and my sister got me a free design for my blog. I think they meant the naptime blog, but I immediately thought about the Monthly Challenge. The company is called ruby and rioja be design and I really couldn't be happier. If you have time, you should check out the monthly challenge blog, and if you want to join, let me know!


Juliet said...

It looks great!!!

Anonymous said...

it looks really nice!
sad to say, i'd never looked at that blog before, but i sure will now! (and i can't wait to try some of the recipes, either :)

Craig said...

Cool! That looks all sort of spiffy! Go team hikers.

Mel said...

I love the new design! I wanted to comment when I saw it, but I didn't know where. Now it looks "theme-like" and professional. Very nice gift!