Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nine months on, nine months off

So....I haven't been posting much. I am going to go ahead and blame that on my new diet. I started Sparkpeople. That's right, I'm a spark person. It basically keeps track of all the calories you eat. The only problem that I have been spending so much time entering what I have been eating, by the time I am done, I don't want to be on the computer any more.

Plus, I am oh so hungry.

I don't have a lot to lose, I just want to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. Unfortuately, the scale that I have doesn't work so well, so I am not really sure how much I have to go...maybe 5-10 pounds? I guess I will know when I can fit into my pants again.

I think I am doing well. I have about a month and a half before Andy is nine months old, and that is when I want to be done. Until then, LOTS of popcorn!


Beth said...

Oh Kerri...I think you look great! I do understand what you mean about wanting those last few pounds off and having pants fit! You'll be there in no time....oh, and did you get a double jogger for Christmas???

Anonymous said...

i WISH i look as "pre-baby" as you do! i did the spark thing for a little while right before i got pregnant, and then i did baby-fit (the spark people for preggos), but it just took too much time...maybe i need to take another look at it though.

again, don't stress it. YOU LOOK GREAT NOW :)

Mel said...

Yay for popcorn! Sounds like you will be pretty excited when it's all gone. We can celebrate with cookies.

Andee said...

I love sparkpeople. I did it when I first started losing weight, and I lost 20 pounds in a year, with not too much exercise. I'd still like to lose 5 - 10 more, but that might be pushing it.

But yay, sparkpeople!