Saturday, September 15, 2012

First Day of School! 2012!

We limped along through the rest of the summer and finally made it to the first day of school.  For full disclosure, I had thought that after camp, school would be a piece of cake.  I was right and wrong. 

I am also going to explain a quote that some of you might have heard.  I was talking to James about starting school and how sometimes mommies and daddies might cry.  Now, I didn't think that I would cry, but you never know.  I like to be prepared.  I explained to James that Papa cried when I went to kindergarten for the first time.  James's response, "well, that's because he thought you were dumb!"   Thanks James!


James had a good first day.  He seems to like school, but is not fooled that it is "fun" like he was lead to believe.  Yes, you do have to do some work!

Two and a half weeks later, Andy starts school.


With Andy, you never really know.  He was definitely interested in going back to school, HIS school now that James was gone.  He still was a little clingy, but yesterday when I picked him up, he cried that he would have to wait two WHOLE DAYS until he could go back and then go to soccer.  Who is this kid?  He does seem to interact more with his classmates then last year.  Do NOT let me sign Andy up for the Multiage Class.  He needs to be in a different class from James.

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