Friday, September 4, 2009

Public Service Announcement

We have recently had a new children's museum open up nearby. Unfortuately, it is pretty expensive, $12 for ages 1 and up. As a service to others, I thought I would tell you about the experience. I took James on a day that Andy was in school, so that saved us $12 right there. Actually, it probably saved us $24 because if Andy came, I would need to have brought Mark also.


Pictured above is when we were paying. James and John probably had the most fun right there. Really, the whole thing was ok. Yes, it was fun, but maybe it was geared to slightly older kids. They had race car simulators, which were cool, but James didn't quite get it.


I wonder how it works when the museum is crowded! The shuttle simulator was also a little much.


The climbing was fun:


James spent a lot of time with the cars:


And of course love the music room!


There really wasn't a whole lot for Andy's age. I am glad it was just James and Mommy!


Allison said...

I was outraged when I saw the $12 price tag. That's $36 for me to take 2 kids, one of which would sit in the stroller the whole time... I even emailed them saying I was disappointed in the price and got a nasty email back saying it wasn't their fault the price was so high! So we won't be going unless it's super triple coupon night or something.

Juliet said...

I think that now school has started and the newness wears off a little more, they might be surprised at how effectively they have priced themselves out of one of their prime markets: moms with 1-4 year olds. I doubt that their other prime market, school groups, can completely meet their revenue expectations...
The membership options are very limiting also.
It's kind of sad how they are completely defensive about the fact that they can justify to themselves their pricing. It just demonstrates poor judgment of the actual marketplace. Time will tell.
There has been a lot of internet chatter on the topic.

Hollie said...

I was surprised at the prices too. If all of us went, that's almost $50. I can think of a lot of other things to do with $50. Thanks for sharing your trip!

Andee said...

It's $11 for 2 and up here at the Children's Museum in Atlanta. And if you can get a group of 10 or more, then it is $8. That's why we only go for birthday parties instead of just us.

And yes, for a kid that would sit in a stroller, it's outrageous that that you would have to pay.

Landon and Elizabeth said...

How do I get off of Blog Probation?